WordPress is one of the greatest tools to use to easily update content on your website. When starting a small business it is vital to regularly update posts and content to demonstrate to Google and visitors that you are an active company. You can post your content within seconds and it will appear instantly, making it a useful tool when trying to communicate to guests. Having the advantage of instantly uploading your content will impress Google as it demonstrates your page is active and engaging. WordPress can bring a variety of benefits and cool features to help aid your small business, these are mentioned below.
How to upload WordPress to your site
In order to first initiate WordPress you need to upload WordPress on to the server. In order to do this you need to log into your customer account at the hosting company you use. Select web marketing tools and find Open Source applications. Once you have found this make a MySQL database where your blog will go live. This procedure will only take a few minutes of your time.
After this, log in to the WordPress dashboard and familiarise yourself with the service. You need to make your blog appealing; in order to do this give the site a new theme. Even as a small business owner you need to keep yourself up to date with the newest plug-ins coders have created. They are constantly adding new additions to WordPress in order to make your life easier.
Your online site needs static pages, something that stays the same throughout your businesses life span. These pages can easily be adapted and uploaded through Word press. Simply, select a new page and write the content. These pages are often the below:
• “About us”
• “Contact us”
• “Privacy policy”
• “Testimonials”
These can all be part of the navigation to your blog. Although updating a website regularly is healthy, you do not want to change the static pages, you need to allow your visitors to familiarize there self with the web page. Always remember to back up your website to prevent loss of content. If you have server issues, get hacked, or simply want to move hosts, having good backups makes it a lot simpler.
Search Engine Optimization with WordPress
Whether you are a small company or a large firm you nearly always need to optimize your content. WordPress is an excellent tool to use when trying to rank your contact, due to its All-in-One SEO plug in. Using this tool will enable you to further enhance the post. Do not just rely on WordPress to help you with your SEO it is only a supplement, use Google’s Keyword tool in order to discover what people search for, and then you can include the keywords in your titles. Incorporating this and using anchor text to link to other pages and sites will be sure to help your small businesses ranking.
Use Widgets
You need to build a side bar to your blog. In order to create a sidebar, you need to click on “widgets” in your dashboard area. Here are a few benefits widgets can bring:
• Navigation links (directing to the static pages)
• A sign up box
• Recent posts
• Adsense (if applicable)
These will mostly help sustain traffic on your page and reduce bounce rate.
Using WordPress can act as a vital tool to your small business as it provides a simple, adaptable dashboard that allows you to regularly update high quality content.
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